Document Your December: 31 Photos to Take This Christmas!

The holidays can be such a busy time, and we can get so caught up in trying to get everything done that it's easy to forget to capture this special time of year! So, for this Christmas, I've created a list of 31 photo prompts to help you document your december, and capture the spirit, beauty and traditions of the season.  (Yes, I know I'm early, but wanted to give you time to think about it before you start on December 1st!) 

There are 31 prompts, one for each day in December, and of course you can do these in any order you wish!  You can also simply use it as a checklist, taking as many photos as you wish in one day, or even as inspiration for creating your own holiday photo "must-take" list.  If you want to take it one step further, use each prompt as inspiration for your own "photo-essay" - for example, if the prompt is a letter to Santa, then you could photograph your child writing the letter, a copy of the finished letter, them putting a stamp on it, walking to the mail box, and dropping it in. 

This is such a great mini photography project for you to improve your skills, and also a wonderful way to use photography to document your family life (and if you are thinking of embarking on a Project 365 next year it's a great way to dip your toe in the water!) 

I hope you enjoy using these photo prompts as much as I enjoyed coming up with them! 



You can find some more photography project ideas here!