The Live Snap Love Blog
Stuck in a Creative Rut? Try This Simple Photo Challenge!
Feeling stuck in a creative rut? Your camera collecting dust? I hear you! I’m sharing a tried-and-true artist’s exercise that will help you look at light, composition, and everyday objects in new and exciting ways.
Running out of steam on your Project 365? This might help!
Have you committed to a Project 365 this year, but worried you’ll run out of steam? (Or maybe you have already!) A Project 365 is one of the best ways to improve your photography skills and document your life. So in this episode, I’m sharing my best tips to help you stick with your Project 365 and make it a success.
My 2025 Photography Goals
In this episode, I’m sharing with you the 4 simple things that I’m going to be focusing on with my photography in 2025. I’m sharing what my goals are, and why I’ve decided to focus on these 4 things to help grow my photography skills and (hopefully!) get out of a creative rut.
4 Summer Photography Projects That Will Help You Bottle Up The Season
In need of a new photography project for summer? Then I've got you covered! In this episode of the Photography Made Simple podcast, I'm giving you 4 ideas of photography projects you can do that will help you document summer, get more creative photos, or just motivate you to pick up your camera.
How to Start (& Finish!) A Project 365 for 2024
Want to improve your photography skills? Find out how completing a Project 365 can do that with these helpful tips.
Finding Inspiration for Photos Beyond Child Photography
Learn how to stay motivated and find inspiration to pick up your camera beyond photographing your own children with these photography ideas!
5 Surefire Ways to Take Your Photos to The Next Level
Here’s 5 things I focus on that help me break out of my comfort zone and create more interesting photos, even when the subject matter itself might be totally mundane.
Stuck in a rut? Try this photography challenge!
If you’re feeling in a rut with your photography, or you just don’t feel inspired to pick up your camera, then this is for you!
I’m sharing with you a quick, 30 minute photography challenge you can do that will help you break out of your photography rut, PLUS I’m going to give you some prompts for inspiration whilst doing it!
5 Year-Long Photography Projects (That Don't Require Daily Shooting!)
In this episode, I’m going to share 5 different photography projects you can do that aren’t a project 365, but that will see help motivate and inspire you to pick up your camera through the year.
So if you want to do a photography project this year, but a 365 seemed a little too daunting, I’m betting that one of these will be perfect for you!
3 Quick & Easy Photography Challenges For When You're In a Creative Slump
Today, we’re talking about 3 different photography challenges you can do that are perfect for times when you feel like you’re in a creative slump, or just need a little kick up the backside to pick up your camera again!
Join the Live Snap Love Weekly Photo Challenge for 2021!
If you’re interested in getting creative with your photos, challenging yourself to try something new each week, all whilst improving your photography skills, and then I have the PERFECT thing for you: our Project 52 photography challenge for 2021!
A Project 52 isn’t as scary as it sounds, it’s simply a weekly challenge to get you up off your armchair and out shooting.
You get a weekly theme or prompt, usually just one one or two words such as “Leading Lines” or “Connection” and your job is simply to head out and capture a photo that fits the prompt, and then share it with a group doing the exact same thing!
See? Told you it was simple :)
If that sounds like something you’re interested in doing, here are all the deets…
Join me for a “December Daily” Photography Challenge!
Can you believe it? Only 44 days left until the end of the year!
Around this time, I'm often thinking about what I wish I'd done differently the last 11 months, and what I can do better in the next one.
With regard to photography, there is one area I still struggle with and that is shooting consistently.
There can sometimes be weeks in between each time I pick up my camera, and that lack of consistency hurts my creativity,....which in turn means every photo I take seems blah and uninteresting....which in turn means I'm less motivated and less likely to pick up my camera.
Vicious circle in action right there :)
So I want to make a change, starting now 💪
I'm committing to taking 31 days of photos in December - and I want to bring you along with me! 💖
Fall Photo Ideas (Perfect for Fall Mini Sessions!)
Fall is almost upon us, which means it’s time for some fall photo ideas! These fall photo prompts will give you a great jumping off point to inspire you own ideas for fall mini sessions or photoshoots, whether that’s capturing your own family, or photographing someone else’s, or just capturing the elements that make up fall (In other words, not a person in sight)
So without further ado, let’s jump into our 10 fun fall photo ideas and see if we can’t spark some ideas for you…
10 Photography Ideas at Home
Looking for some photography ideas at home? Then I have you covered!
I know it’s tempting to think that we need to leave our home and go to some interesting or far flung location to get great photos, but there is a wealth of opportunity to practice your skills, AND get great photos, all without leaving the house.
In this video, I’m going to share 10 different photography ideas you can do at home.
These will kick start your creativity, give you some suggestions of photos to take, and give you some mini projects you can do to improve your skills!
December Photo Challenge! Document the Holidays with these Christmas Photo Prompts
The holiday season can be an incredibly busy time, and it’s easy to get so wrapped in our “to-do” lists that we can forget to capture the season.
Which is exactly why we’re going to do a December Photo Challenge!
I’ve created a list with 38 December photo prompts, all with a Christmas / Holiday / Winter vibe, to help you capture the spirit, beauty and traditions of the season.
Of course, the photo prompts will also help you improve your photo skills, so it’s a win-win!
Read down to see how to take part in this challenge with others in our blog community Facebook Group, and how to get your hands on the checklist!