The Live Snap Love Blog
No time for photography? Here’s the fix!
Learn how to find time in your busy day for learning photography!
Full sun giving you problems? Try doing this instead.
In this episode, I’ll give you a couple of tricks to try for shooting in full sun that will help you get better “people” photos, even in the height of summer!
3 Simple Ways You Can Improve Your Photos Right Now!
Over my 17 years of practicing and learning photography, I have had plenty of a-ha moments or changes I have implemented that have totally changed my photos for the better. So today on the podcast I am sharing just three of these, but these three are ones that you can do today (as in right this minute!) and they don’t require any new equipment, spending money, or learning anything too complicated!
Why I’ve Revamped Our Courses (and what’s coming up!)
This week’s episode is a little bit of an indulgent one because I’m talking all about the courses we have at Live Snap Love, and the biggish changes we are making to these in 2024, and what we have coming up!
How to Find Dramatic & Interesting Light For All Your Photo
I’m giving you advice on how you can find more interesting and dramatic light for your photos, regardless of whether you take photos to document your family, capture still lifes or portraits, so it really is for everyone.
Want to start shaping light? Get a reflector!
I’m going to cover what a reflector is, when you might want to use one, when the right time is to get one, and if you do, which one you should get.
8 Photography lighting ideas that will supercharge your photos!
I’m giving you just a few different photography lighting ideas so you can experiment using the light around you. My goal is a simple one - I want to inspire you to pick up your camera and start looking at the LIGHT as your inspiration!
Do I always need to meter to 0 in manual mode?
I’m answering a question that has been submitted by one of our listeners, about shooting to 0 in manual mode. This is such a great question because I’m sure that so many people wonder the same thing when they first make the switch to shooting in manual mode.
5 Photography Apps I Use & Love!
I’m going to share 5 apps that I personally use and love, including How I use the Lightroom app for sharing and editing on the go.
6 Ways to Kickstart Your Creativity In Photography
If you feel your creativity is a little lacking or you’re stuck in a rut, listen to today’s podcast where I’ve given you some ideas to kickstart your creative side!
5 Reasons Your Photos Aren’t Turning Out The Way You Want!
5 MOST likely reasons why your images just aren’t turning out like you see in your head, and how to fix it!
5 Simple Questions That Will Change Your Photos
FIVE questions you should ask yourself when you take your photo that will help you shoot more purposefully, which in turn, will help you get better photos!
6 Tips for Successfully Organizing Your Photos in Lightroom Classic
I’m going to give you 6 tips for helping you organize your images using Lightroom Classic. Now if you don’t use Lightroom Classic, you can still take the tips that I’m going to give you and apply them to your chosen software, so if you don’t have Lightroom Classic, this can still apply to you!
New Camera? Here's your first steps!
6 simple things you can do TODAY that will instantly improve your photos. That way, while you’re learning the in and outs of photography, you are at least getting better photos so you aren’t tempted to revert back to your phone camera!
How to Start (& Finish!) A Project 365 for 2024
Want to improve your photography skills? Find out how completing a Project 365 can do that with these helpful tips.