No time for photography? Here’s the fix!

Whenever I ask people about what the number one thing is that is holding them back from learning photography, one of the most common answers I get is not having enough time! 

I can definitely relate to that - most of us are struggling, trying to juggle several plates at the same time, so learning photography can get shunted down to the bottom of the pile. 

Although I can’t help you add more hours to your day, I can try to help you work smarter in the hours that you DO have, and help you find time in your day for photography - and that’s what we are going to dive into in this week’s podcast! 

Tune into this episode to discover: 

  • Why scrabbling around trying to learn photography via disconnected tutorials is wasting your time

  • Why being more structured in how you approach learning photography will ultimately save you so much time

  • How to map out your own learning curriculum (or download my free blueprint if you are a beginner) 

  • How to find time in your day for photography, or factor it into your existing schedule! 

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