The Live Snap Love Blog
How to Gain Self-Confidence in Photography
Today, I want to talk about self confidence in photography, and how to build yours up, so you can share your work, start your own business, or just feel happier about the work you’re producing!
Anyone who does creative work like photography will ALWAYS have days when your self confidence in down in the dumps.
Our inner critic LOVES to imagine what others will think or say, and if we listen to it, we can stifle our creativity and stop ourselves from moving forward.
Since this is something I have (lots of!) personal experience with, I wanted to share a few little mindset tricks that serves me well.
Aperture Examples: How to Use Aperture in Photography For Different Looks
This week, I’m going to share some aperture examples with you, so you can see exactly how you can use your aperture in photography to create different “looks” in your photos.
Although there are three different elements that control exposure (aperture, shutter speed and ISO) this is a big one to master, simply because it gives you so much creative control!
You can completely change the look of your image just by the aperture you choose, which is why it’s important to understand what it is, what it does, and how you can control it.
17 Fall Photoshoot Ideas To Try!
Looking for some fall photoshoot ideas to try? Then you’re in the perfect place, because I’m about to share 16 of them with you!
Autumn is always a popular time for a family photoshoot, because the beautiful autumn tones create a colourful backdrop for your photos, and a wonderfully cozy and intimate atmosphere - all perfect for families, siblings, maternity or engagement photos (in fact, any type of portrait!) that you want to take.
For the best results, I suggest that you combine a few of these fall photoshoot ideas, so that you can get a variety of different photos from one single session. And if you’re planning on doing some fall mini-sessions, you can take a few of these ideas for locations and / or props.
Framing In Photography (with Examples and Ideas!)
Wondering what framing in photography is, or simply want some examples for how to use frames in your composition? Then you’re in the perfect place, because that’s what we’re going to cover today!
Framing refers to a compositional technique that helps bring attention directly to your subject, by blocking off part of the image to form a frame around a point of interest. It’s main goal is to draw the viewer’s eye to what’s most important, but it also simply works by making the scene look more interesting too!
Framing will also help bring a sense of depth in your photos, which is a great thing to do in photography, because it will create a more three-dimensional feel.
What is a Reflector in Photography and Do I Need One?
Have you heard people talking about a reflector, wondered what it does, and whether you need one? Then good news, that’s exactly what I’m going to be answering in this post!
Knowing how to manipulate the light around you is crucial as you progress in your photography journey, because those subtle nuanced shifts in light can have a major impact on your images. A reflector is simply a tool that will help you change or mould the light to suit your vision, and help you get your images to look the way you want them to.
Not bad for a $35 piece of kit :)
So in this post, I’m going to cover what a reflector is, when you might want to use one, when the right time is to get one, and if you do, which one you should get.
5 Photography Lighting Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them)
Understanding light and how it behaves can be key to getting interesting images, flattering portraits and lifting your images to the next level…..
….But of course, it’s photography, which means it’s not always plain sailing :)
Here’s just a few of the mistakes I’ve personally made with photography when it comes to lighting - some of them subtle, many of them less so!
Check ‘em out so you can see what to avoid…
8 Photography Lighting Ideas For More Creative Photos
Light can be the single factor in lifting a so-so photo into something awe-inspiring, so it’s definitely worth experimenting with some creative photography lighting ideas, in order to take your photos up a notch!
I know that natural light can seem intimidating at first, probably because it’s not something we can control! But if we can learn how to work with what we’ve been given (or how to modify it to suit our vision) then you will have unlocked the key to creative and otherworldly photos, so the payoff is definitely worth the time you’ll spend learning about it 😉
There are so many different types of light, and so many different ways to use it, so I thought I’d give you just a few photography lighting ideas of how you can use the light around you. My goal is simply to inspire you to pick up your camera, or maybe try something a little bit different!
My Top 8 Photography Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them!)
I’ve had a camera in my hand for nearly 14 years now, and although I can now say that I’m pretty confident in my photography skills (most of the time at least 😉) I’ve definitely had a LOT of failures and frustration along the way!
So today I wanted to share 10 mistakes that I’ve made over the last 14 years, and that (chances are) you’re probably making right now.
My hope is that you’ll take advice from those that have gone before you, so that YOU can avoid making the same mistakes, and - better yet - fast track your way to being a successful and confident photographer. Let’s be honest, avoiding these mistakes won’t make you a pro photographer overnight, but it will help you get where you want to be more quickly and with less frustration!
In this post I’m talking about everything from where I wasted the most time, what I wish someone had told me back in the beginning of my own photography journey, and what I shouldn’t have wasted my money on!
How to Organize Your Images
As photographers, we take hundreds of photos at each photo session. Furthermore, we always have a camera at hand and love to photograph unique moments wherever we go. Yet we can’t edit all the pictures we take and send them to our clients. We can’t print all of them either.
Whether we prefer to photograph our family, people, nature, insects, or touristic locations, we all face the same challenge: how to organize our images in order to find what we need fast and be efficient in selecting the best shots?
My Camera Set Up (a Behind the Scenes Tour!)
If you've ever wondered how you should have your camera set up, then you are in the perfect place!
Today I'm going to give you a behind the scenes tour of my own camera set up.
Now be sure to watch right until the end, because I'm going to share with you how I would set my camera up if you're just starting out and not yet shooting in manual.
Example Photos With Camera Settings (& Why I chose them!)
Have you ever looked at photos from other photographers and wished that they would share their camera settings as well?
I know that I certainly did!
Which is why today I'm going to share with you some example, photos, along with the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings that I use, but most importantly, why I chose them.
Why Your Focusing Technique Might Be Leading to Soft Images
The focusing method you use can have a major impact on how sharp your photos turn out.
In this video, I’m talking about a common focusing technique that many new photographers use that isn’t always the best option, as it can lead to getting images that are ever-so-slightly soft, and not the tack sharp images I know you want!
If you want to feel confident in your photography skills, then understanding how your camera works so that you can make informed decisions is so important. By doing this, you’ll see your image sharpness improve as a result!
Check it out and let me know what you think.
The 5 Essential Pillars of a Professional Level Photo
In this video, I’m going to break down exactly what goes into a professional level image, so be sure to watch right until the end, so you can learn all the essential elements.
A lot of frustrated photographers, and this may include you, struggle with the exact same thing: getting their images to look like the polished, professional level images that they see in their head.
For many photographers I speak to, they are actually doing many of the same things.
They are chasing down tutorials on Google or YouTube, and as a result, they have a lot of information in their head around photography, but crucially they still can’t get the camera to take the image they see in their head.
How to Find Time for Learning Photography As A Busy Mom
One of the things that holds back many busy parents from learning photography is lack of time.
They struggle with juggling the demands of childcare, the household, their partner, and rarely make getting time for themselves, or their hobbies, a top priority - maybe something that you can relate to as well, because I certainly can!
But as I firmly believe that we are better parents and better partners when we do take time away from the household to do things for ourselves, today I want to share with you how you can create time in your busy schedule to learn photography, and most importantly, make the most of that time.
How To Take Sharp Photos
Getting sharp images is a major component of images that look and feel professional, so it’s so incredibly important to learn how to do it right!
Most new photographers get frustrated because their images constantly come out slightly soft and blurry, and they struggle to get the tack-sharp images they want. This is usually because they are either leaving most of the key choices up to the camera, or because they are focusing in the exact same way for everything they photograph.
In order to get photos that are tack sharp, you actually need to make conscious and informed decisions about your settings, and the techniques and strategies you use, and change these based on what your subject is, or what they’re doing. That way you get everything working together to get sharp images.
In this video, I'm going to break down the 5 different components that go together to get a sharp photos, so that you can start to increase your "hite rate" of keepers.