The Live Snap Love Blog


How to Start a 365 Photography Project

This year, I did my first ever Project 365. I've still got six weeks to go, but I can honestly say it's been one of the most rewarding photography projects I've done.  I do believe it has helped improve my photography, just by giving me the opportunity to practice every day, but it has also been a wonderfully personal project, since it's almost become like keeping a journal. 

A Project 365 is a very simple idea - you take a photo each day for 365 days.  However, there are a couple of things I think you should consider before you get started, which will help make sure that you Project 365 is a successful one! 

Here are some tips about how to get started. 

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Photography Project Ideas

Are you in need of some new photography project ideas?  Here are 15 ideas to improve your photography, kick start your creativity and document your days! 

If you have been shooting for a few years like myself, it can start to feel like you are simply photographing the same things, in the same way, every day.  This is when a creative photography project can help you break out of a rut and have you capturing something different!  It not only gives you a new focus, and something new to reach for,  but it can also help improve your photography skills immensely so they are great for beginners to more seasoned photographers alike. 

For that reason, I have been thinking about tackling a new project next year (to keep me on my toes!) and thought it would be fun to share some of the photography project ideas I have come across in my travels  - see what you think....

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