The Live Snap Love Blog
Your DSLR to Mirrorless Questions Answered!
Today, I’m answering all your questions about switching from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera!
I switched cameras earlier this year from the Canon 5Dmk3, a DSLR camera, to the mirrorless Canon R6, and I’ve been loving having a new camera to play with.
I’ve had SO many questions about switching from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera in general, things like whether it was worth making the switch from a DSLR to a mirrorless camera, whether I had any problems with accessories or lenses, what was the most challenging thing to learn and so on, so today, I wanted to answer some of the most common ones I’ve received about changing over!
From DSLR to Mirrorless: A Behind The Scenes Look at Why I Made The Switch!
I recently switched to the Canon R6 from my trusty Canon 5Dmk3, and today, I'm taking you behind the scenes of my thought process and going through the key differences between these two cameras, and ultimately why I switched.
The Best Way to Grow Your Prime Lens Collection
Ready to grow your prime lens collection but not sure what lens to buy next? Or which prime lenses work together? What your "holy trinity" of lenses should be?!
This is probably one of my most asked questions, both from my Auto to Awesome students and from blog readers, because it can be really difficult to know the right way to grow your prime lens collection, and which lens is going to make you the biggest difference to your photos.
I know that I definitely didn’t go about adding to my lens line up in the right way, and i wasted a lot of money that could have been better spent elsewhere - and as always, I want YOU to avoid the mistakes that I made.
So in this video, I walk through the questions to ask yourself when choosing your next lens, some ideas for recommended lenses for child and family photography, and the order in which to purchase any lenses to add to your collection.
Best Camera for Photography Beginners
If you’re just get started with photography, then you’re probably wondering what the best camera for beginners is! So right now, you’re probably looking at what camera you should choose, and what will be the best one for you as a new photographer.
So that’s what I’m going to look at today with you, so that you can narrow down the options, and ideally, pick your first camera so that you can get started on this exciting new journey sooner rather than later!
Inside My Camera Bag Part 3 - Camera Bags & Other Accessories
This week’s video is the final part in our 3 part series where I take you behind the scenes and give you a guided tour of what’s inside my camera bag.
In this week’s video, I’m going to talk about the actual camera bags I use (all 3 of ‘em!) and the other accessories / random bits and bobs that I don’t perhaps use on a regular basis.
Underneath the video, you’ll find links to absolutely everything I mention in the video, plus a link to my free photography class “Pro Tricks for Professional Level Photos”, where I teach you how to make your images look professional, no matter what gear you have! You’ll also find links to watch Part 1 and 2 of this series.
So, are you ready for Part 3? Let’s dive in!
Inside My Camera Bag Part 1 - Camera & Shooting Accessories
This week’s video is Part 1 of a 3 part series where I’m going to take you behind the scenes and give you a guided tour of my photography equipment!
Today I’m going to cover my camera body and shooting accessories, part 2 will be all about lenses (all 7 of them!) and part 3 will be the actual camera bags and other accessories that I don’t perhaps use on a regular basis.
Underneath the video, you’ll find links to all the gear I mention in the video, and a link to my free photography class “Pro Tricks for Professional Level Photos”, where I teach you how to make your images look professional, no matter what gear you have!
So, are you ready? Let’s go!
Do These 10 Things When You Get A New Camera!
Did you just snag yourself a brand shiny new DSLR camera? Or maybe you’ve just blown the layer of dust off the one that’s been sitting in a cupboard since last year?!
However and whenever you got your hands on your new camera, it’s an exciting time, regardless of whether it’s your first camera or your third!
But of course, ANY new equipment can take a bit of getting used to, and if it’s your first camera ever, it can all be a little bit overwhelming too :)
This post lays out 10 things you should do when you get your camera. Obviously, if this is not your first ever camera, some of these suggestions will be a bit basic for you, but it can act as a checklist to make sure you’ve covered everything. And if this is your first one, this post will be a goldmine of information for you :)
Black Friday Deals For Photographers 2020
We all love a good deal, which is why Black Friday is such a lovely time of year! If you’ve had your eye on something for a little while, then Black Friday is a great time to see whether there are any deals to be had.
But in case you’re not quite sure what to get, or just want some ideas, I’ve curated a list of black friday deals for photographers in 2020, so you can see what’s available. Some of these I personally use and love, and others I’ve included as alternatives for you, as they might suit you better!
I’ve also broken these by category, so you can dismiss some of these outright, for example if you’re not in business. Ready? Let’s go!
Keep Missing Focus? How to Check If Your Lens is the Problem!
Are you struggling with getting tack sharp images? Do you feel like your images are too soft and that you’re consistently missing focus? Then keep reading!
Today I’m going to talk you about just ONE reason why you might be struggling to nail focus, and that’s due to your lens needing calibrated.
Before we start though, I should start out by saying that most of the time, our images are soft due to user error, not our equipment. There are so many factors that go into getting a tack sharp image (and can stop us from getting one) that it’s far more likely that you have gotten one of them wrong, rather than the lens be the problem.
That said, if you are not consistently getting the sharp focus you want, it might be an idea to quickly test your lens, that way you’ll know whether you have a problem with your equipment or not.
If you do, then you can calibrate your lens to fix the problem, or if you don’t, at least it will put your mind at rest that your equipment is fine and you simply need to learn the strategies that will help you get tack sharp focus!
Best Lens for Child Photography? My 3 Fave lenses revealed!
What’s the best lens for child photography? That’s one of the questions I’m asked all the time, so today I'm going to go over my personal three favourite lenses for child photography!
I'm going to tell you what I like about them, what I use them for and what I don't like about them too.
What do the numbers on a camera lens mean?
What do the numbers on a camera lens mean?!
If you’ve been asking yourself that question then you are in the perfect place, as today we’re going to be talking about what all the numbers on your camera lens means, and how you can use this information to decide which lens might be best for you.
So if you've been looking at lenses online, or maybe you already have your lens and you just don't understand what all these numbers actually mean, stick around. as by the end of this post, you'll know exactly what the numbers mean and you'll know how your lens is going to perform!
Ready? Let’s dive in!
How to Choose the Best Lens for Your Photo
Whether you want to shoot a portrait or a landscape or a documentary-style photo, you’ll want to choose the best lens for the job!
With an array of lenses to choose from, it can be hard to know which one to pick, and which will suit your photo best. As I have far too many lenses to choose from, I thought i’d go through my thought process when picking out a lens for a particular photo. Of course, there may be other reasons why I pick a lens (versatility for going away on vacation, or weight if were going on a trek) but the two MAIN reasons are the focal length, and the aperture.
Let’s go into the four questions I ask myself (which you can totally steal, I don’t mind) for choosing the best lens for the job.
How to Quickly Check The Focus of Lens for Front Focus or Back Focus Issue
Have you ever found yourself wondering if the reason your images are always slightly soft or out of focus could actually be down to your LENS?
I know I did! For a while, back when I was just starting out, I missed focus on so many of my images that I began to think that surely my lens MUST be broken.
There is nothing more frustrating than getting the perfect image only to find it is that teeniest bit out of focus, so if you have a nagging feeling that your lenses may be at fault, then there is something you can do: test your lenses to make sure that they are focusing where they should.
If nothing else, this quick test will put your mind at rest that everything is working properly, or, in the worst case scenario, make you aware of the problem so you can fix it!
So, when you’re ready, let’s dive into how to quickly check the focus of your lens for front or back focus issues.
8 Things to Look For When Choosing Your Next Camera
One of the questions I hear a LOT is this:
“Which camera should I buy next? Should I buy this one, or that one, and how do they compare? Is this REALLY going to be an upgrade from my current camera?”
That question is the inspiration behind this week’s post, because I want to really break this down so you can feel confident when spending your hard earned cash. Let’s face it, camera gear is NOT exactly cheap, so making mistakes can be costly.
What's the best lens for newborn photography?
We love a bit of lens talk here on the blog, so today we are going to be answering this question: what's the best lens for newborn photography?
If you are just getting started with newborn photography, you might be wondering what lenses you need to get started, and which you can do without! Let's face it, lenses aren't cheap, so knowing exactly what you need - and what you can do without - will help make sure you get the best images possible, without spending your life savings 😛
in this post we are going to cover: WHICH types of lenses you should have, and most importantly, how to choose the best newborn photography lens for YOU!