8 Questions To Help You Determine The Best Lens for YOU

Choosing a lens can feel like a difficult and overwhelming task- there is so much choice that it can be hard to narrow it down and decide which would be the best lens for YOU. 

Let’s face it, lenses are expensive, so it’s an important thing to get right! Although you can always sell your lenses if they turn out not to be the one for you, it’s easier and more cost effective to get it right the first time. 

So today on the podcast, I’m going to walk you through 8 questions you should ask yourself when shopping for a new camera lens.

These questions will help you determine the best lens for you, based on your genre, interest, and style of photography, but also practical considerations such as weight or brand loyalty.

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So join me in today’s episode and discover: 

  • The 3 questions you should ask yourself to help you choose the best focal length for your genre and style of photography.

  • Why focal length is about more than simply how much you want to fit in the frame.

  • The practical considerations to take into account, such as whether to get a zoom or prime, and whether weight is a factor

  • How to get better quality lenses for a more affordable price

  • All 8 questions you should ask yourself to choose the best lens for YOU. 

Check out these for further reading! 

👉 Get the FREE Which Lens Kickstarter Guide

👉Zoom vs Prime Lenses - Which One Is Right For You?

👉7 Essential Tips for Shooting with a 50mm f1.8 Lens

👉6 Different Types of Camera Lenses (and when to use each one)

👉Camera Lenses Explained

👉What is A Fast Lens & Why Should I Get One?

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