The What and Why of Lens Filters for Photography

One of the questions I get a lot from my students was about lens filters, so I created a free training for them inside our student community, the Live Snap Love Insiders Club.

But I thought that you would probably enjoy it too, so today on the podcast, I’m sharing the audio of that free training. Although it was obviously created with slides to show. you examples, I still think it will be incredibly interesting to listen to even with audio only (and if you are a student, you can watch the whole thing in our student community!)

In this episode, you are going to learn everything you ever wanted to know about lens filters, from the different types of filters available, what you would use each one for, what type of photographer will find them useful, and even how to use them! I’ll also answer some questions that were posted by our students.

So tune into this episode to learn:

  • What exactly lens filters are, and the main reasons for using lens filters (even when you can do some of the effects back in post production!)

  • The different types of lens filters that are available, including UV, neutral density, graduated density, polarising filters and more

  • What each filter is used for, and the effects it can give you

  • A quick start guide on how to use each of the filters we talk about

  • Tips for buying filters and what to look for

  • Whether filters are a “must-have” in the digital age, and if so, which ones do you need

  • What filters you should start with, depending on the type of photography you do

Want more? Check these out!

Which Lens Is Best for Lifestyle / Documentary Photography?

What do the numbers on my camera lens mean?

7 Essential Tips for Shooting With The Canon 50mm F1.8 Lens

How To Use Your Regular Lens For Macro Photography!

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Amazon Music / Audible


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