Lemme guess. You're...

⏰ Spending hours researching which lens to choose, because you have no idea what you're even looking at!

ɸ Confused about the numbers on the lens, and what do all those abbreviations stand for anyway?!

🤯 Overwhelmed when it comes to the choice of lenses out there, and how to choose the best one for you.

😩 Fed up with tutorials that show you how the inside of a lens works, but not how to actually choose the best lens for the job.

📷 Frustrated because your photos don't have the right look, because you're not using the right lens.

👣 Stuck at Step One, eyeing up lenses but too scared to add them to your collection because you might waste your money.

What if you could replace your bewilderment with confidence?

This short $9 training is going to save you a ton of time and money by teaching you what you REALLY need to know about lenses, so you can stop dithering about and identify the perfect lens for YOU!

Make no mistake, there's no such thing as the perfect, all round lens that does everything brilliantly.

But that doesn't mean that you can't get the best lens for what you want to shoot, so that you're one step closer to getting photos that actually look the way you want them to!

Get the mini-course now for just $9 (yes, really!)

This mini-course will answer all your questions like...

  • What do all the numbers on camera lenses actually mean?
  • Why does my F number keep changing as I zoom in?
  • I keep hearing about crop factor - what does this do?
  • What does that little switch at the side of my lens do and when would I use it?
  • Why do I have two "mm" numbers on my lens?
  • Which focal length gives me the same field of view as the naked eye?
  • What focal length is best for me and what I want to shoot?
  • Should I get a zoom or a prime?
  • Do I need image stabilisation? What does it do?



  • Immediate access to the full course
  • 6 Video Lessons on all the important aspects for understanding and choosing your camera lens
  • Example photos from lenses all the way from 16mm to 200mm
  • A Questionnaire to help you choose the best lens for you
  • Lifetime access to the course and any updates
  • BONUS! A behind the scenes peek at my camera lens stash and what I use each one for
  • BONUS! Invite to join out exclusive student community, the Live Snap Love Insiders Club!

Buy Now for Just $9!


The Ultimate Guide to Camera Lenses is perfect for you if you're...

  • New to photography and feeling overwhelmed when it comes to choosing the right lens for the job.
  • Confused about what all the numbers, writing and abbreviations on your lens are, and you just want someone to explain it to you in plain English.
  • Couldn't care less about how the inside of your lens works and how physics does what it does - you just want to know how each element affects the LOOK of your photo!
  • Ready to put an end to endless searching for the "perfect lens" and get the lens that will work best for you, and what you want to shoot.
  • Want to see the full potential of the right lens, so you can start to get the images you've been dreaming of.

You might be wondering...

  • How do I access the content?

On checkout, you'll be asked to provide your email address and choose a password to create your account. We'll send you an email with a link to the course on on our online course portal, so you can get instant access to everything today! Plus you can log back in at any time to access your materials.

  • How long is the training?

The course is broken down into easy 6 easy to digest videos, totalling around an hour and 20 minutes of training in total.

  • Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

If you take a proper look through the course and feel like you didn’t learn anything new or useful, let me know within 7 days of purchase and I'll refund you. Please note this refund policy does not cover a change of mind! If you request a refund we will ask you for feedback on how the course didn't meet your expectations so we can improve our marketing messaging in future.

  • How long do I have access to the content for?

You will have unlimited access to the material for the lifetime of the course, so you can log back in to access the content whenever you need to.

  • I'm new to photography. Is this a good place to start?

If you're also interested in learning how to USE your camera, along with light and composition to take your photos from snapshots to stunning shots, then I'd recommend Auto to Awesome (and you get this as a bonus there so you'll get both!) but yes, if you are new to photography and need to get a lens, this is an excellent place to start!

  • I have another question that you haven’t answered yet.

Send me a message via the chatbox in the bottom right-hand corner and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!


Meet your new lens sherpa, Audrey Ann!

If we haven’t officially met yet, I’m Audrey Ann. professional photographer, founder of Live Snap Love, and creator of 4 successful courses for photographers and teacher to thousands of students from all over the world.

The question I get asked more than any other from new photographers is "Which lens is best for....?" which is why I decided to create this bite-sized mini course for a no-brainer price!

If you are a new photographer and confused about lenses, this $9 training is going to save you a ton of time and frustration by teaching how to choose the perfect lens for YOU.

(And all without over-complicating it!)
